Money Back Guarantee ● Fast ‘N risk Free UK Parcelforce ● Buyer Protection
We provide 100% risk-free tracked shipping on all orders to the United Kingdom. Once you complete your order, an automatic email is issued within 24 hours, containing a link to track your shipment in real time.
United Kingdom – (4 – 7 Working Days) Fast N risk Free Buyer Protected Parcelforce Tracked.
You have nothing to worry about. We constantly monitor each shipment, so if it’s not delivered within 25 working days, you’re eligible for an instant re-ship or a full refund – absolutely free of charge – absolutely no hassle. (full details below)
UK Parcelforce Shipment Tracking
Simple, Clear & Reliable. UK orders are easily tracked online.
Hang tight! Once an order is placed our automatic shipping program will issue a tracking number instantly with a link to the Parcelforce post website. Orders are shipped within 24 hours of this tracking number being issued – sometimes less time.

Free UK Tracked Postage
Enjoy Fast ‘N risk Free tracked shipping to the UK
All orders are sent fully insured and fully tracked via Parcelforce UK. As soon as your order is confirmed you will receive a tracking number within 24 hours (or the next working day if ordered over the weekend).
Worry-Free Shopping
We’re here for you, with Free Re-Ships and Money Back Guarantee
If your order is not delivered to your door within 25 working days, you’ll be covered by our free re-ship policy or money back guarantee. Complete peace of mind with hassle free global orders.

Never lose track of your shipment
Use specialist shipment tracking websites for all shipping destinations.
Having trouble with our tracking link? Sometimes local tracking websites can be unreliable. Not to worry, now you can use services such as SureDelivery (tracking button above) or even Track-Trace and IPS.

Please be patient with your tracking
Tracking numbers may not become active the moment you receive it.
The tracking numbers we provide sometimes need to propagate online. In some instances, the tracking number may take 24 – 48 hours to be scanned and display information online. This does not mean your shipment is delayed, it’s simply the process by which tracking numbers and parcels are scanned into various online tracking systems. Try using Track-Trace and IPS for more up-to-date information.

The ModaPharma.org Shipping Policy
Free re-ship or a full refund is NOT eligible in the following circumstance.
You’ve made a mistake with your shipping address
You’ve failed to collect/accept your parcel from the local delivery office.
Your item has been “sent back to sender” due to any of the above.
Make sure you stay up-to-date with your tracking as parcels that are held for too long without collection are sometimes “sent back to the sender”. We do not accept returns these parcels do no arrive back at the shipment origin, so these parcels are effectively gone.